MIL-DTL-82646B (OS)
3.6 Workmanship. The film shall be uniformly constructed and free from pinholes, tears, cuts, sharp
creases, or other imperfections which might impair the usefulness of the film. The color is optional but it
must be uniform and not mottled.
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. First article inspection (see 4.2)
b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.3)
c. Periodic production inspection (see 4.4).
4.2 First article.
4.2.1 First article sample. Unless otherwise specified, a first article sample shall consist of a roll of film
50 yards (yd) (45.7 m) long and 36 in. (91.4 cm) wide upon which first article testing is desired. The
sample shall be tested by the manufacturer or forwarded to a testing facility as directed by the procuring
activity (see 6.2). If the sample is to be forwarded to a testing facility, the sample shall be plainly
identified by a securely attached durable tag marked with the following: "Plastic Film, Conductive, Heat-
Sealable, Flexible, For Ordnance Use. Sample for First Article Test"; Manufacturer's name and address;
manufacturer's designation; date of manufacture: and "Submitted by (name) (date) for first article test in
accordance with the requirements of MIL-DTL-82646 under authorization (reference authorizing letter)".
4.2.2 First article testing. First article testing shall be as specified in Table I. Failure to meet any
requirement shall be cause for rejection of the first article sample. The contractor shall prepare a report
giving the result obtained for all inspections and tests performed or a certified statement that the first
article sample meets all the first article requirements of this specification.
TABLE I. First article inspection.
Requirement paragraph
Method paragraph
3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6
Chemical compatibility
Solvent compatibility
Electrical resistivity
Film tensile strength, breaking strength and elongation
4.2 3 First article retest. Material rejected by the Government testing agency may be retested for first
article acceptance (see 6.3.1).
4.2.4 Retention of first article approval. Retention of first article approval for products shall be maintained
by periodic verification to determine compliance of the first article product with the requirements of this
specification. Unless otherwise specified by the procuring activity, periodic verification shall be by
certification and such certification shall be at intervals of not more than 2 years.
4.3 Quality conformance inspection. The material shall be subjected to all the following inspections and
tests for acceptance. When specified in the contract (see 6.2). the contractor shall prepare a report giving
the results obtained for all inspections and tests performed and a certified statement that the lot meets all
the requirements of this specification (see 6.2.2).
4.3.1 Sampling for quality conformance inspection.
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