3. REGULATORY REQUIREMENT: The contractor shall certify that the product offered shall include a minimum of 50% waste paper, as defined in 40 CFR, Part 250. The Government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance prior to first delivery and thereafter as may be otherwise provided for under the provisions of the contract.
A. Responsibility for Inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the Commercial Item Description, where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements (See Section 6, Ordering Data).
B. Sampling. All sampling shall be done in accordance with MIL-STD-105. The sample unit shall be one randomly selected coin wrapper; except for 4.B (4), for which it shall be done fully prepared shipping container.
(1) Sampling for Visual. The inspection level shall be S-4 with an Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) of 6.5 percent defective.
(2) Sampling for Dimensional Inspection. The inspection level shall be S-2 with an AQL of 6.5 percent defective.
(3) Sampling for Tests. The inspection level shall be S-3. The average of the variables inspected shall either meet or exceed the minimum requirements cited for each specified characteristics. The lot shall be rejected whenever a sample average does not either meet or exceed the required minimum.
(4) Sampling for Preparation for Delivery. The inspection level shall be S-2 with an AQL of 6.5 percent defective.
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