September 27, 1991
July 26, 1984
The General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service, has
authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description.
This description covers flat, tubular colored, kraft paper coin wrappers for both hand and machine wrapping.
Classification: The coin wrappers covered by this Commercial Item Description shall be of the following types, and as specified (See Section 6, Ordering Data)
Type I – Pennies ($0.50)
Type II – Nickels ($2)
Type III – Dimes ($5)
Type IV – Quarters ($10)
A. The coin wrappers shall be rectangular in shape with squared corners and side seam.
B. Seam: The seam shall be an overlapping type, roughly centered on the back of the wrapper and securely bonded with good grade of glue used commercially for this purpose.
C. Basis Weight: The paper shall have a minimum basis weight of 60 pounds (24 X 36 – 500) for penny, nickel, and dime wrappers and a minimum basis weight of 70 pounds (24 X 36 – 500) for quarters when tested in accordance with TAPPI T-410.
D. Colors: The wrappers shall be available in different colors conforming to the American Banker Association (ABA) Standards. The colors need not be solid.
E. The wrappers must be clearly imprinted on the smooth face opposite the glued seam and must state the denomination and total dollar amount.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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